John Suder

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The Coffee Achiever

'The Coffee Achiever' | Daily Drawing #303

Coffee. Make it black, like my heart and soul.

Those of a certain age will remember the ad campaign for coffee in the early 80's called 'The Coffee Achievers'. For some reason The National Coffee Association felt the need to spend millions on an ad campaign featured celebrities and athletes drinking coffee. “The band Heart drinks coffee, and they’re awesome, so maybe I should try some of this stuff!” 

The thinking of the time was that coffee was for old people, and old people die so who will buy the coffee? So their ad agency created a campaign featuring an elite band of super coffee drinkers like ELO, David Bowie, Cicily Tyson to name a few, to get ‘the kids’ thinking coffee was cool. 

The ads were hokey and seem very dated now, but there was a time when ‘The Coffee Achiever’ was made to be something you strived for. Because who wouldn't want to sit and have coffee with Kurt Vonnegut?

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